Transcendental Employee Discipline: Islamic Approach to the Concept of Discipline in Organization


Assistant professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadiq University


Understanding the most approximate Islamic concept of employees’ discipline according to epistemological and ontological foundations, and exploring dimensions and principals of Islamic discipline, is the main question of this paper. By adopting a qualitative approach and by using a typological method and relying on Quranic contemplation, we have enumerated the existing ideas about employees’ discipline while classifying those based on Islamic instructions extracted from 2150 Ayas and 4150 related concepts. Transcendental Employee Discipline in contrast with traditional, progressive and positive concept of discipline is rooted in epistemological and ontological Islamic foundations and emphasizes leadership, ethics, people, education, rules, reward and punishment, culture and society in a systematic and integrated network. It emphasizes human tendency to order and discipline, existence of order in creation and coherence of order and discipline. Also it underscores Fitrah, spiritual leadership and communicating in a cultural atmosphere of brotherhood and compassion. In Islamic view, this world is not a mere place for humans’ accountability and their being rewarded or punished for their deeds. Everybody is to be judged in afterlife by God Almighty.


  • Receive Date: 12 April 2010
  • Revise Date: 21 March 2010
  • Accept Date: 26 May 2010