Designing a Management Model for Networking of Cultural Associations and Activists: Thematic Network Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper



Nowadays the world’s most active and influential cultural processes are created by the institutions which have succeeded in forming qualitative and efficient networks consisting of elites and cultural activists. Based on this, the present research aims at presenting a management model for networking of associations and activists of the Islamic Revolution's Cultural Front. The qualitative method of case study was used as the most appropriate strategy for this research. The Thematic Network Analysis method was also applied for organizing and manifesting research findings. Three active cultural networks selected here for the study include “Training-Based Associations Network of the holy city of Mashhad”, “Production and Distribution Associations of Islamic Revolution's Cultural Product Network”, and “The International Caritas Network”. The research findings led to the identification of 26 basic themes. By clustering the themes in the similar groups, the research results were classified into five organizing themes. The research’s organizing themes include the points and principles related to network formation, structural points and network pillars, social capital and trust in cultural networks, behavioral and psychological points, and the issues concerning planning in network. All the organizing themes can also be defined under the global theme of “creation and development of a sustainable cultural network”. Therefore, this theme is the focal theme of the research’s thematic network. Using the model presented here, associations and cultural activists may enjoy the advantages of cooperation and synergy in a sustainable network in the field of culture and become the origin of major cultural developments in line with the objectives of the Islamic Revolution.


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Volume 8, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
November 2014
Pages 35-65
  • Receive Date: 10 June 2014
  • Revise Date: 02 August 2014
  • Accept Date: 03 January 2015