Analysis of Relevant Talent Acivity Results

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aims at determining the indefinite situation of relevant talent acivity results. Based on the pertinent literature, an exploratory approach was employed to specify the results such as freedom, creativity and apply knowledge. Based on the studied literature a questionnaire was designed to assess the research variables. The questionnaires were then distributed to a randomly selected group that worked as researchers in technical and engineering , and basic science institutes, from which 199 valid responses were obtained.The data were tested by Lisrel software and the results showed that relevant talent activities can directly result in freedom, and directly and indirectly in creativity and application of knowledge.In other words, to the extent an individual works at the highest levels of his talent, he will gain the appropriate amount of freedom, creativity and application of his knowledge.What is needed then is elevating our endeavors to the highest levels of our best and unique talent


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Volume 8, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
November 2014
Pages 99-131
  • Receive Date: 11 January 2015
  • Revise Date: 21 January 2015
  • Accept Date: 21 January 2015