Methodology of interdisciplinary and collaborative research for solving human-social problems using Islamic teachings

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd. Student of Tehran University

2 Assistant professor of Managment Faculty, Tehran University(corresponding author)


The lack of “Descriptive Models of Human Behaviour” (DMHB) is one the oldest anomalies in behavioral sciences, especially Organizational Behaviour Management. On the one hand, different sciences demand for this kind of behavior models; and on the other hand, modeling the behavior is as difficult as understanding human internal situations and his environmental complexity. DMHBs are important because they have multi-disciplinary usage (economics, ergonomics, social psychology, management and etc…), and also DMHBs are the necessary foundations for developing prescriptive techniques in controlling and directing human behavior. In this paper we developed a new model of human behaviors. This model is identified and explained thorough the deep studies in scientific literature of DMHB and Quranic text. Quran in this research is the source of idea to find DMHB; and the guide of explaining DMHB as well. This model is explained in a scientific standard structure as “Ideal Type of DMHB”. In addition, its relations to other renowned theories are discussed. The basic methodology and all the steps of this research in preparing, organizing text, studying, documentation, coding, abstraction and final conclusions are based on qualitative content analysis. Therefore, the “validity” and “Trustworthiness” of the research is obtained by three criteria “Credibility”, “Dependability” and “Transferability”.


Main Subjects

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Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 24
September 2018
Pages 126-156
  • Receive Date: 07 February 2017
  • Revise Date: 17 September 2017
  • Accept Date: 17 September 2017