Explaining Educational Policy Change Using Kingdon’s Multiple Stream, Law of The Establishment and Operation of Private schools and Educational centers

Document Type : Research Paper


Researcher at the Center for Growth and PhD Student in Public Management, majoring in Decision Making and Public Policy,, Imam Sadiq University


Because large extent field of education, training and breeding has direct consequences of any change in the social arena. In this respect, understanding of change interventions and public policies in this area is of utmost importance. One of the important policies in this area is the law, "the establishment and operation of private schools and educational centers" that have passed with different purposes such as participation, competition between schools and financial problems.
This study aims to explain the policy change by using Kingdon's Multiple Streams. Therefore, this model been cosidered as one of theoretical frameworks of policy change process and the it’s Elements, Problem Stream, Politics Stream and Policy Stream and the main assumptions of a comparative approach to the law "the establishment and operation of private schools and educational centers" have been analyzed.
Therefore, this paper we use case study method as a qualitative research approach. For data collection the literature review and a review of documents, interviews and various reports on this law has been used.
The results of this analysis indicate that syncronization and the intersection of three streams above with instances such as the budget and finance in the level of education (the problem), the new government, market-oriented ideology and willingness to privatization (the policy), promoting education and livelihood in the field of education (the policy) focusing organization of private school and development of popular participation, as a policy entrepreneur, has managed to pass a law by adopting various strategies


Main Subjects

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Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 24
September 2018
Pages 155-182
  • Receive Date: 13 March 2017
  • Revise Date: 21 September 2017
  • Accept Date: 02 October 2017