Identification the Main Challenges of Arts Incubators in Supporting of Art-based Businesses (Case study: Art University of Isfahan’s incubator)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of Entrepreneurship department, Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Associate professor of Cultural Entrepreneurship, Art , , University of Isfahan

3 MA. in Cultural Entrepreneurship, University of Isfahan


Today, art has a special significance in the global economy and the important role of artists in social and economic development of communities has been accepted. Based on this, the presence of supporting structures in the field of art seems necessary. One of these supporting structures is arts incubators. Naturally, it seems there are some challenges in order to achieve the supportting objectives for the different kinds of incubators. In this research with focus on the Art University of Isfahan’s incubator, we aim to identify the challenges of this incubator in supporting of art-based businesses. The research method is qualitative and the incubator of the Art University of Isfahan is considered as a case study. The study comprises of five groups of 30 participants, including incubator experts, art masters, art students, independent artists, and units located in the incubator. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The findings show that according to art masters, independent artists and art students, the main challenges of the incubator are the administrative problems and inadequate sponsorships, and according to units located in the incubator the most important challenges are the industrial approach of this center. The challenges of this incubator from the perspective of experts are the lack of knowledge and misconceptions of incubator goals and the stance of the art society in the composition of economy and arts. Some challenges of the Art University of Isfahan’s incubator lay in the fact that the center is new, and time would help to overcome the challenges. The identification of these challenges and selection of appropriate strategies to meet them, not only ensures the success of this incubator, but also paves the way for the future success of other arts incubators in the country, and gives a clearer view to the policymakers of such centers.


Main Subjects

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Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 24
September 2018
Pages 292-314
  • Receive Date: 06 November 2016
  • Accept Date: 21 April 2017