A Study of the Effect of Islamic Social Responsibility on Customer Repurchase in Mellat Bank

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant nprofessor of Religions, Philosophy and Theosophy department, Faculty of Human Sciences, Semnan University (corresponding author)

2 Phd. student of International Marketing Managment, Facuty of Economics, Faculty of Administrative and Economics


Today, corporate social responsibility is one of the most important concerns of many societies, and one of the reasons for this is due to the fact that corporate social responsibility affects the attraction and maintenance of customer loyalty. In Islamic societies there is also attention to the general welfare of the community in the principles of ethics, beliefs and religious values. Therefore, this research investigates the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility with Islamic values approach on Customer Repurchases and trust; moreover, the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have been used as mediator variables. The statistical population of the current research is the customers in Mellat Banks of Semnan province. For this purpose, 103 questionnaires have been gathered from a sample randomly. Cronbach’s alpha has been applied to assess the reliability of the questionnaire. The hypotheses of the research have been tested using the structural part of the structural equation modeling. According to results, the impact of corporate social responsibility on trust, the impact of trust on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and the impact of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on customer repurchases have been supported.


Main Subjects

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Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 24
September 2018
Pages 309-324
  • Receive Date: 04 March 2017
  • Revise Date: 26 August 2017
  • Accept Date: 11 October 2017